Sled-0-Rama | home
Who are we?
Name: Shane Kemeza
Age: 18
General Info: I work at a local K-Mart and go to school. In my time off I build stuff. Lots of stuff. On the Sled-O-Rama project I am part brains and the mule (I do most of the work) I can cut things, bend things, weld things, hammer things, drill things and I can eat. I'm good with engines and am thinking of another project to start on soon after Sled-O-Rama.
Name: Nik
Age: 16
General Info: Nik also works at the local K-Mart but only until that Jiggalo position opens up. He also goes to the same school as I do. The good thing about Nik is he's a brain stormer. He'll throw out any idea even if it has no chance of working. (That piece in his hand was never used.) Nik was the one who had aquired the chair which spawned the idea for the Sled-O-Rama project. Without his chair finding abilities we wouldn't be here. Ladies, he's single...well not anymore so you missed your chance Victoria Silvstead Playmate of the Year! Oh yeah! He can tighten down bolts like nobody else.